If you have ever worked IT at a company that uses Mac's for their employees, you've had a need to get system information from a computer that you didn't have password access to. That's where the XXXX tool comes in; Because MacOS
So iTerm2 is a great program, since I switched to it along with ZSH, it’s been
nothing but blue skies and happiness… Until I tried to word jump with the Option
key… Which doesn’t work.
After being too lazy to look it up for a few months, I
Something I had been wanting to learn, but hadn’t been able to figure out was
SSH tunnels. SSH Tunnels are basically a poor man’s VPN, well, minus the poor
part because you need a server or receiving computer with a public address.
Why do we need this?
The more my web development skills evolve, I have noticed the more time I spend in a terminal window. There’s something serene about a black background with green text that takes me back to my childhood when I used to play around with a friends VAX terminal. I have
Something that plagued me when I first started working with DevOps/servers was
dealing with a million different passwords for different hosts. What I quickly
found was the ability to substitute password authentication with key based
authentication to essentially remove the password equation and use unique ssh
keys for different